Sa, Alvino Augusto de
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 17 à l'page 1 de 2
Laws of Imprisonment and Social Inclusion: an institutional discourse analysis of...
Criminal law and the process of individuation: a junguian study about the impacto...
Social reintegration: discourses and practices in prison: a comparative study
The inmate's identity and the prison's laws
Sexual violence against children mediated by ICT: elements for its victimal prev...
Os múltiplos olhares sobre o adolescente e o ato infracional: análises e reflexões...
Justice restauratrice et exécution pénale: réintégration sociale et apurements d...
The valuation of criminological examination and the progressive system - Minas Gerais...
The penitentiary correctional officers in the eyes of the judiciary of the state...
Conflitto tra risocializzazione e il principio de legalità penale
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 17 à l'page 1 de 2