Held, Maria Silvia Barros de
Results: Displaying 10 of 26 on page 1 of 3
Design and handicraft: the experience of Passira embroiders with brazilian fashi...
Relations between fashion, body and image in the construction of identity: Marie...
The American cinema of the early decades of the 20th century and the construction...
The influence of fashion on literature: the portrait of the fictional character in...
Cloth, woman and revolution: gender oppression elements on the peasant and proletary...
The cross-branding and co-creation in fashion retail
The challenges of integrating perfumes into fashion collections in Brazil: an exploratory...
The ornament as a reflection of its time: journey through history
The Japanese influence on European Arts and Fashion Design at the turn of 20th C...
Aspects and reflections about dress code of the legal professions
Results: Displaying 10 of 26 on page 1 of 3