Navarro, Eduardo de Almeida
Results: Displaying 10 of 29 on page 1 of 3
Nheengatu-Portuguese dictionary proposal
Study and practice of the translation of the childrens book A terra dos meninos pelados,...
The Translation of Tupi-Guarani Chants and Narratives (1970-2019): a Historiographical...
Cannibal, barbarian, savage: themes regarding the Native Americans in Nóbregas Diálogo...
The Brazilian literature in Nheengatu: the narrative construction in the 19th ce...
Pero de Magalhães Gandavo: a chronicler and man of belles-lettres in colonial Br...
The cultural sources syncretically elaborated in Anchieta's theater
Mr. Machado de Assis, indianist poet: literary nacionalism from verses to prose
O Novo Testamento em nyengatu (1973): a chapter in the History of Bible translations...
Melancholy in Aureliano José Lessa
Results: Displaying 10 of 29 on page 1 of 3