Ross, Jurandyr Luciano Sanches
Resultados: Listando 10 de 32 en la página 1 de 4
Integrated analysis of the urban environment and recurrent floods: the case of the...
Integrated analysis of the landscape through remote sensing techniques, Botucaraí...
The use of the sustainability indicator BAF to mapping the urban geotopes: an experiment...
Analysis of the Biotopes in hidrographic basins from the stream Águas Espraiadas
Theoretical and methodological basis for the creation of a computerized, graphics-interactive...
Environmental fragility to shallow landslides: comparative analysis between heuristic...
O relevo, elemento e âncora, na dinâmica da paisagem do vale, verde e cinza, do Acaraú,...
Geomorphology, geodiversity and analyses of environmental fragility of the landscapes...
Systemic approaches and the dynamic equilibrium in the analysis of environmental...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 32 en la página 1 de 4