Lauris, José Roberto Pereira
Results: Displaying 10 of 30 on page 1 of 3
Impact of oral health conditions related quality of life of adolescent students of...
Swallowing and speech in elderly patients with stroke
Quality of life in the clinical protocols of the Hospital of Rehabilitation of Anomalies...
Bullying in patients with cleft lip and palate: evaluation of occurrence, consequences...
Association of upper limb injuries (LER/DORT) with oral health
Deglutition, nutritional status and salivary flow in patients after treatment for...
Oficinas de aprimoramento da comunicação para inclusão dos jovens no mercado de ...
Saúde bucal do trabalhador e a assistência odontológica nas empresas
Intensive speech therapy: influence on the quality of life and degree of depression...
Results: Displaying 10 of 30 on page 1 of 3