Fonseca, Marisa de Cássia Registro
Results: Displaying 10 of 14 on page 1 of 2
Analysis of gait pattern and functionality in patients with lower limb amputation...
Reliability and validity of the Shape / Texture Identification test™ (STI)...
Association of musculoskeletal complaints with risk factors at work in a beverage...
Analysis of correlations between muscle strength, fatigue resistance, work capacity...
Analysis of the biomechanical effects of upper limb orthoses during the performance...
Development and analysis of reproducibility an isokinetic evaluation protocol of...
Translation, cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese and validation of the Prosthetic...
Validity and reliability of the functional impairment test-hand, and neck/shoulder/arm...
Kinematic analysis and muscle activity of the upper extremity while performing a...
Proposal evaluation and intervention through prevention of disability in leprosy...
Results: Displaying 10 of 14 on page 1 of 2