Capelozza, Ana Lucia Alvares
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 22 à l'page 1 de 3
Cervical vertebral maturation on cone beam computed tomography
Avaliação radiográfica da movimentação do segundo molar inferior após a exodontia...
Comparative study between panoramic radiography and cone beam-computed tomography...
Sociodental evaluation of 300 elderly people in the city of Bauru, S. Paulo State...
Incidental findings in panoramic radiographs comparing pre and postorthodontic t...
Identification of two root canals in mandibular incisors using radiographic, tomographic...
Prevalence of periapical lesions in cone beam computed tomography images
Comparative dimensional tomographic study of the mandibular condyle of individuals...
Prevalence comparison of upper cervical vertebral anomalies in patients with cleft...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 22 à l'page 1 de 3