Machado Junior, Rubens Luis Ribeiro
Results: Displaying 10 of 23 on page 1 of 3
Contradictions of the song: Brazilian popular music in Julio Bressane's "O manda...
Suspensions of time: experimental super-8 mm film in Brazil and Mexico in the 19...
Discursos de intervenção: o cinema de propaganda ideológica para o CPC e o ipês às...
Horror is not in horror: Movie Genre, Lula Years and Class Struggle in Brazil
The avant-garde cinema in dialogue with the visual arts: contrasts and parallels...
From film criticism to film theory: Siegfried Kracauers emancipatory realism
A "critical moment for Latin American self-awareness": modern Latin American film...
Paths in the formation years of Chris Marker: militant cinema, dissidence and pr...
Results: Displaying 10 of 23 on page 1 of 3