Rezende, Maria Lucia Rubo de
Resultados: Listando 10 de 14 en la página 1 de 2
Microbiological comparison of different decontaminant agents on rough and smooth...
Effect of superficial bone demineralization on the consolidation of autogenous bone...
Efeito da desmineralização óssea superficial na migração, adesão e diferenciação...
Influence of acid demineralization of contacting osseous surfaces on the consolidation...
Muscular activity and mandibular bone changes on patients provided with implant-supported...
Bone demineralization effect of tetracycline and citric acid on the surface chemical...
Effect of acid demineralization with citric acid on the root surface area covered...
Effect of demineralization of particulate autogenous bone graft in critical size...
Evaluation of gingival esthetics in single implant-supported prostheses at the grafted...
Effect of the demineralization of the contacting surfaces in the tensile strength...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 14 en la página 1 de 2