Carvalho, Heraclito Barbosa de
Results: Displaying 10 of 25 on page 2 of 3
Reliability and validation of the dietary inflammatory score in children and adolescents:...
Support House in the context of health public policies for STD, HIV and AIDS in the...
The feeding skills development of baby in the first year of life: a speech-language...
Study of prevalence and risk factors associated with hiv infection, hepatitis B and...
Desenvolvimento de um estudo piloto de uma pesquisa que visa identificar fatores...
Behavior transition HIV risk in in men who have sex with men population and psychoactive...
Presión arterial elevada y agrupación de factores de riesgo en adolescentes: un estudio...
Is automatic blood pressure measurement accurate and valid in the pediatric population...
Estimation of the emotional stress prevalence in a sample of federal highway police...
Health promotion on physical therapy care in a reference heart hospital
Results: Displaying 10 of 25 on page 2 of 3