Tsuji, Domingos Hiroshi
Results: Displaying 10 of 13 on page 1 of 2
Histologic study of corticosteroid injection in the acute vocal fold wound healing...
Comparison of tongue and lip trills with phonation of the sustained vowel /E/ regarding...
Comparative analysis of the amplitude of vibration of the vocal folds and the coefficient...
Effects of superomedial arytenoidectomy on incomplete posterior glottic closure caused...
Effects of hepatocyte growth factor injection and reinjection on healing in the rabbit...
Histological study of implanted perifascial areolar tissue in rabbit´s vocal fol...
Effects of cricothyroid muscle contraction on vocal fold vibration: experimental...
Bipedicled vocal fold mucosal flap in phonomicrosurgery: experimental study in excised...
Auditory perceptual and acoustic analysis related to tongue trills performance time...
Histochemical and ultrastructural study on the distribution of the extracellular...
Results: Displaying 10 of 13 on page 1 of 2