Sant Ana, Adriana Campos Passanezi
Resultados: Listando 10 de 24 en la página 1 de 3
Evaluation of the effects of different conditioning agents in the decontamination...
Effects of acid conditioning in root surface decontamination and in root coverage:...
Microbiota associated with peri-implantitis a systematic review with meta-analy...
Soft tissue cephalometric profile of patients with gingival smile associated or not...
Sinus lift with newly forming bone and inorganic bovine bone: a clinical, histologic...
Recobrimento radicular: avaliação clínica de nova abordagem terapêutica regenerativa...
Influence of the position of the margins and type of restorations in periodontal...
Analysis of the long-term success and survival rates of osseointegrated implants...
Prevalence and classification of gingival recessions: an observational clinical ...
The use of Nile tilapia skin to wound repair and protection of the palate after graft...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 24 en la página 1 de 3