Franco, Laercio Joel
Results: Displaying 10 of 26 on page 2 of 3
Hospitalizations due to acute complications of Diabetes mellitus, 2002-2016
Lifestyle and classification oh the nutricional status of users of the Family health...
Health promotion: perceptions and practice of professionals in the Family Health...
A vida cotidiana de mulheres com obesidade: a percepção da saúde e do funcionamento...
Household food and nutritional insecurity of families benefiting from the Bolsa Família...
Mapas conversacionales como estrategia de educación en personas con diabetes para...
Consumption of sweeteners and dietetic foods by individuals with type 2 diabetes...
Adherence to type 2 diabetes mellitus drug treatment in elderly from the Family Health...
Adherence to type 2 diabetes mellitus pharmacotherapy at the Family Healthcare Strategy:...
Consumption and use of sweeteners by people with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Results: Displaying 10 of 26 on page 2 of 3