Massad, Eduardo
Results: Displaying 10 of 39 on page 1 of 4
Mathematical models for ecoepidemiological interactions, with applications to herd...
Vulnerability to the infection by HIV in female prisoners of the P.F.B. assessed...
Gender differences on the risk to HIV infection in adolescents interned at the Fundação...
Use of claims data to development of predictive models for unplanned hospital readmission...
Life quality indicators in persons participating in a retirement preparation pro...
Behavioral changes on vector control in the presence of an imperfect vaccine against...
Dynamic of HIV transmission among injecting drug users, in the city of Santos, Sao...
Measurement of the degree of functional disability through a fuzzy model
Prevention against exposure to benzene im Brazil
Development of an information system in an Intranet environment for a State Delinquent...
Results: Displaying 10 of 39 on page 1 of 4