Baffa Filho, Oswaldo
Resultados: Listando 10 de 35 en la página 1 de 4
Electronic paramagnetic resonance dosimetry using alanine: new methodology and a...
Study to optimize the recording of electronic paramagnetic resonance spectra of alanine...
Influence of metal prostheses in radiotherapy for prostate through dosimetry by ...
Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applicat...
A Superconductor AC Susceptometer to Quantify Liver Iron
Magnetic Source images using a Magnetoresistive Sensors Multichannel System
Development and characterization of new borate-based compounds for X-rays, gamma...
Development of a Thermoluminescence - Radioluminescence Spectrometer
Optically stimulated luminescence under plasmon resonance conditions
Nanostructure Influence in the Dosimetric Response of Alanine/Gold and Alanine/Silver...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 35 en la página 1 de 4