Cevasco, Maria Elisa Burgos Pereira da Silva
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Matches - art, technique and historical process
History and form in Ragtime, The Book of Daniel e Homer & Langley, by E. L. Doct...
Revolution and the (im)possibility of Reform in Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Ci...
Two ways of reading: the power of assessment of the materialist criticism in Raymond...
The Ambiguous Object of Desire: the figuration of utopia in Ursula K Le Guins The...
Apocalypse now & forever: figurations of the present in Cormac McCarthy's The Ro...
The dancer and the dance: homosexuality, form and society in Andrew Hollerans Dancer...
Utopia, feminism and resignation in The left hand of darkness e The handmaid's t...
Dropout Boogie: The Postwar form in J. D. Salinger and Jack Kerouac
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