Santos, Sandoval Nonato Gomes
Results: Displaying 10 of 15 on page 1 of 2
The teaching in a literacy classroom in the municipal schools of São Bernardo do...
The work of the teacher educator: the case of a teacher educator at a public university...
Referenciation and argumentation: the construction of discourse objects in argumentative...
The production of texts on screen by newly literate students
Literacy work: didactic and interactional aspects
The hybridity in teaching practices in early childhood center: between caring and...
Language conception in textbooks of portuguese language for yearly teaching education...
Interactional marks in circle time in early childhood education
Slam's pedagogy: the social literacy dispute the school - an experience in Escola...
Education is invaded by laughter: a (dis)proposal to the pedagogy of the comic
Results: Displaying 10 of 15 on page 1 of 2