Calia, Rogerio Ceravolo
Results: Displaying 10 of 12 on page 1 of 2
Effect of mindfulness-based training on work engagement in the work of health leaders...
Leadership development for corporate sustainability: a sustainable case study through...
Networking for sustainability: case studies about the management of solid waste in...
Environmental and social evaluation criteria in private label product supplier's...
Out of sight, out of mind? A reality sock in inducing Slow Fashion consumption: an...
Innovation for the sustainable development of Brazilian beef cattle: the case of...
The effects of Mindful Creative Thinking (MCT) on the level of verbal creativity...
The emerging photovoltaic solar energy market in Brazil between 2012 and 2018: advances,...
UN global sustainability goals: challenges and good practices of successful cases...
Implementation of sustainable business models: barriers and successful mechanism...
Results: Displaying 10 of 12 on page 1 of 2