Fleury, Maria Tereza Leme
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 23 à l'page 1 de 3
Automation: banks and banking
Integração vertical na medicina suplementar: contexto e competências organizacio...
Internationalization of Brazilian companies: a study about the relationship between...
Conflict-resolution organizatinal competences and the consensus on the strategic...
Transference, development and recognition of organizational competences in foreign...
Organizational culture and change: the social construction of a new model of P&D...
Organizational competence and performance: an empirical investigation
The formation of the competitive model of people management in Brazil: a study about...
Degree of internationalization, competences and performance of Brazilians small and...
Organizational communication: way to search for the creation of organizational r...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 23 à l'page 1 de 3