Francesconi, Lea
Results: Displaying 10 of 21 on page 1 of 3
Socio-economic impacts of agroindustrial activities in the state of Mato Grosso do...
The activism of immigrant South American women: a case study on the construction...
The Precarization of Teaching Work in the State Public Network of São Paulo: possibilities...
The manjuba (Anchoviella lepidentostole) angling and the Valo Grande´s strait: a...
Metropolises and the discourse of modernity in the replacement of the periphery:...
Urban operations: instrument for transfer of income and added value? Case study...
Commercial restructuring and Precariousness of Work: the large supermarket chains...
Commercial automation and intensification of work at CompreBem and Pão de Açúcar...
Migrants from Minas Gerais that sell cassava on the streets of São Paulo
Tognato weaving and the transformations of the industrial spaces in São Bernardo...
Results: Displaying 10 of 21 on page 1 of 3