Rodrigues, Angela Cecilia de Souza
Results: Displaying 10 of 11 on page 1 of 2
Occurrence/not occurrence of subjective pronouns in popular Portuguese in the city...
Loss of verbal flexion mark as imperative in the way of treatment - a case of variation...
Semanticization and sintaticization of constructions of double conjunctions in Brazilian...
Pronouns of Address in Brazilian Portuguese: the alternance of tu/você in Santos...
The behavior of the locative case in the Portuguese popular spoken in Brazil
Variation and change in the use of reflexive pronouns in Popular Portuguese spoken...
Subject-verb agreement in the spoken language in the historical route of the Ban...
The concessive constructions in the Brazilian Portuguese of the 19th century
In the land of you is natural to mix second person singular pronoun: studys of pronouns...
2nd and 3rd personal pronouns with dative function in Brazilian Portuguese
Results: Displaying 10 of 11 on page 1 of 2