Nunes, Altacilio Aparecido
Results: Displaying 9 of 29 on page 3 of 3
Prevención de los riesgos laborales en los servicios médicos de empresa en Ecuad...
Feasibility study and development of a telemedicine system for acute stroke in the...
Evaluation clinical and epidemiological profile of patients with HIVServed in High...
Impact Analysis in reducing pneumonia acquired in the community in children after...
Analyses of factors associated to femur fracture on elderly people: a case control...
Análisis farmacoeconómico de sitagliptina para el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus...
Analysis of the budgetary and cost-effectiveness impact of drug treatments requested...
Acceso a medicamentos oncológicos por vía judicial en el Ecuador entre 2012 y 20...
Health technology assessment: economic analysis of the tuberculosis control prog...
Results: Displaying 9 of 29 on page 3 of 3