Carneiro, Cynthia Soares
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 14 à l'page 1 de 2
The new Brazilian migration law n. 13.445/17 regarding mixed migration flows per...
The State in the modern world-system: a study about perma-nence based on Immanuel...
The implementation of restrictive measures for the reception of refugees in the European...
Legal Pluralism in Nigeria: limits to internal migration and national integrati...
Fundamental rights of international migrants: legislative paradigm shift in front...
Interculturality as an obstacle to the right to health: estraneity, exploitation...
Brazilian cities in Mercosur integration process
Coloniality, ethnocentrism and indigenous people: the contrast between the Brazilian...
The place of undocumented immigrants in the Democratic State of Law: identification...
Decolonial theories and practices: acess to justice by indigenous bolivian women...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 14 à l'page 1 de 2