Da Silva, Aline Maria
Results: Displaying 10 of 32 on page 3 of 4
Comparative genomics of Xylella fastidiosa: pan-genome diversity and analysis of...
Characterization of bacteriophages ZC01 and ZC03 and evaluation of their potential...
Identification of genes modulated by streptomycin and of genes related to virulence...
Planning, management and analysis of DNA microarray data aiming at discovery of biomarkers...
Biochemistry and functional characterization of Xylella fastidiosa XadA3 adhesin
Studies of the mechanisms involved in the control by cAMP of the gene expression...
In silico analysis on promoter sequences of protein-coding genes from Xylella fa...
The iron stimulon of Xylella fastidiosa
Machine learning prediction in genomic sequences of prokaryotic viruses from metagenomic...
Computational analysis of the viral diversity in the Sao Paulo Zoo composting microbial...
Results: Displaying 10 of 32 on page 3 of 4