Dantes, Maria Amelia Mascarenhas
Resultados: Listando 10 de 26 en la página 2 de 3
Engineers, women, mathematicians: interests and disputes in profissionalization of...
Environment, waste management and engineering from the colonial Portuguese Empire...
Dreyfus-Dobzhansky Genetics School: the institutionalization of genetics in the School...
The institutionalization process of Anthropology in the National Museum at...
The creation of the Serra do Divisor National Park in Acre (1989) and their involvement...
The actions from Serviço Sanitário and Liga Paulista contra a Tuberculose in the...
Jesuit therapeutic practices in the Portuguese Colonial Empire: medicines and pharmacies...
The surface of the neurologic body in paulist body: neurology, psychiatry and psychology...
The Pankará indigenous people, the São Francisco river and the Itaparica dam (Luiz...
Walt Whitman Rostow e a problemática do desenvolvimento: ideologia, política e ciência...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 26 en la página 2 de 3