Ponti Junior, Moacir Pereira
Resultados: Listando 10 de 20 en la página 2 de 2
Extraction and learning of spectral-features in low altitude remote sensing imag...
Robust image features creation by learning how to merge visual and semantic attr...
Cross Domain Visual Search with Feature Learning using Multi-stream Transformer-based...
Features transfer learning between domains for image and video recognition tasks
Video Datasets Integration for LIBRAS Automatic Translation with Deep Learning
Artificial images generation and quantization applied to classification problems
Approaches for combining classifiers and clusterers in classification problems
Analysis and video restoration of Low Energy Electron Microscopy
Learning representations with Convolutional Networks to identify bird and anuran...
Techniques for cattle detection, duplicate removal and counting in large pasture...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 20 en la página 2 de 2