Tomizaki, Kimi Aparecida
Resultados: Listando 10 de 12 en la página 1 de 2
The disputes around rights as an educational process: a case study on the occupation...
Among stitches and knots: the impacts of a non-traditional pedagogical project for...
"What are we doing?" Reflections of legalistic rationality of the actors on the educational...
Cultural practices of yound metallurgical at ABC paulista:: experiences beyond w...
One is not born, but rather becomes militant: engagement process of LGBT youth -...
"Beyond the bend in the road": the influence of religious socialization on youth...
Fighters and revolutionaries: the socialization of young members of organizations...
Resisting symbolic violence: a study on the expectations and disappointments of peripheral...
Between the city outskirts and a elite school: a study about the trajectories of...
The educational dimension of the struggle of women in the Homeless Workers Movement...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 12 en la página 1 de 2