Suzuki, Marcio
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 22 à l'page 1 de 3
Paradox and despair in Søren Kierkegaard: an analysis of the dynamics and structure...
Hermeneutics and language in Kierkegaard
The "uneasiness" and the poetical-philosophical thought in Fernando Pessoa
The enlightenment foundations of Kant's aesthetic anthropology: gradation, critique...
From perception to the radical vision of the world: the opening condition of the...
The union of body and soul in The Structure of Behavior
"Etwas über William Shakespeare bei Gelegenheit Wilhelm Meisters", by August-Wilhelm...
Per monstra ad sphaeram: magic and art in Aby Warburg
"Institutes of Moral Philosophy": for the use of students in the College of Edinburgh,...
Structure of the artwork in the philosophy of Hegel - analysis of the structure of...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 22 à l'page 1 de 3