Nobre, Eduardo Alberto Cusce
Results: Displaying 10 of 27 on page 1 of 3
An experience of mobilization and resistance of social movements in the process of...
Study of Sorocaba pre-metropolitan situation: characteristics and perspectives
From Além-Tietê to new urban centrality areas-study of production of urban centrality...
Historical context, under the urbanity view, of the formulation and legalization...
The transfer of constructive potential: an incentive for the conservation of protected...
Intercity governances boundaries and possibilities: the case of mobility planning...
Fortaleza's central area waterpoint and the revaluation of urban design as an intervention...
Guardianship of monuments to management sustainable of complex cultural landscapes:...
Environmental quality from green open spaces: the case of Porto Maravilha Urban ...
The influence of urbanistic variables over non-motorized mobility in São Paulo: a...
Results: Displaying 10 of 27 on page 1 of 3