Alonso, Nivaldo
Results: Displaying 10 of 23 on page 2 of 3
Study of changes in the smile of patients submitted to lenghening of the upper lip...
Evaluation of cephalometric points in the midface bone lengthening with the use of...
Comparative analysis between marginal and segmental mandibular resection in the treatment...
Avaliação rinométrica da técnica de rinoplastia com preservação do dorso cartila...
Evaluation of facial growth in two primary protocols used in the surgical treatment...
Objective evaluation of the nasal patency using spreader grafts in rhinoplasty
Primary maxillary hypoplasia in complete unilateral cleft lip and palate patients:...
Evaluation of the installed surgical capacity of public hospitals in the interior...
Randomized controlled clinical trial of fat grafts supplemented with adipose-derived...
A prospective and controlled clinical trial on stromal vascular fraction enriched...
Results: Displaying 10 of 23 on page 2 of 3