Hernandez, Leila Maria Gonçalves Leite
Results: Displaying 10 of 24 on page 1 of 3
Literature and combat: the political thinking of the Mozambique Liberation Front...
From Islam to Politics: the expansion of the Society of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt...
The Yao and the context of the armed struggle for national independence of Mozambique...
Amilcar Cabral: the spoken word and the lived word
The afro-descendants anti-racist fights under DEOPS/ SP monitoring (1964-1983)
The dimentions of the resistance in Angoche: the political expansion of the sultanate...
De cassange, mina, benguela a gentio da Guiné: ethnic groups and the construction...
Intellectuals from Angola at House of Students of the Empire: roaming, mediations...
Voz d'Angola clamando no deserto: protest and demand in Luanda (1881-1901)
Results: Displaying 10 of 24 on page 1 of 3