Furlan, Sueli Angelo
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 44 à l'page 3 de 5
Territoriality and governance in protected areas: the case of the community of Marujá,...
Conflits and possible dialogues between protected areas and peasant populations:...
Fauna corridor in the Cantareira-Mantiqueira region: geographic evidences
Rio de Janeiros Cultural landscape: the heritage in valuation, management and territory...
Readings of the landscape and its cartographic representation: the landscape units...
Biotopes mapping: instrument for promotion of ambient quality
implementation of federal environmental protection areas in Brazil: the focus of...
The place of Place in Geography teaching: a research in public schools of Vale do...
Identity and territoriality: the quilombos, school and education in Vale do ribe...
Vulnerability of the pantaneira landscape: case study of the Sesc Pantanal Private...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 44 à l'page 3 de 5