Furlan, Sueli Angelo
Results: Displaying 10 of 44 on page 1 of 5
Geoindicators of morphological changes in physical systems impacted by hydroelectric...
The landscapes of Canaã dos Carajás (PA): analysis and evolution of the landscape...
Road ecology in the Cantareira Mosaic of protected areas: environment conservation...
Necessary constraints and consensus. Principles for the Communicative Action in ...
Mosaic of Jacupiranga - Ribeira's Valley (Vale do Ribeira), São Paulo: conservation,...
The urban area and natural areas of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo: from physiographic...
Analysis and mapping of landscape structure of Ilha Comprida, in the southern coast...
A geographical approach of tourism in Porto Seguro city
Impactos sobre remanescentes de florestas de Mata Atlântica na zona oeste da grande...
Ecosystem Provisioning Services: Water Resources in Urbanized and Non-Urbanized areas...
Results: Displaying 10 of 44 on page 1 of 5