Curvelo, Antonio Aprigio da Silva
Resultados: Listando 10 de 31 en la página 2 de 4
Study of properties of thermoplastic starch - natural rubber blends
Structure-functional study of Ni supported catalysts on Nb2O5 and its application...
Catalytic conversion of cellulose using catalysts of tungsten carbide supported on...
Extraction of xylan from bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp
Delignification of sugar cane bagasse: reactions, isolation and use of lignins
Systematic study of the reactions involved in the determination of lignin and holocellulose...
Study and aplication of referential bachelardean to teaching oscillating chemical...
Production and characterization of bioplastics from potato starch
Preparation and characterization of mono-component two-phase system (SBM) by oxypropylation...
Experiments in chemistry teaching: contributions of the projeto pxperimentoteca to...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 31 en la página 2 de 4