Pietri, Emerson de
Results: Displaying 10 of 24 on page 1 of 3
And we also asked not only who we were, but what were we doing there: The influence...
The modes of appropriation of the psychogenetic perspective about the acquisition...
Of the practice towards pedagogical action: the movement of the subjects in the school...
The emergence of the discourse of the sem universidade in Brazil
Discourses on literacy in official curricula in the city of São Paulo
For a pedagogy of autonomy: Bakhtin, Paulo Freire and the education of authoral ...
Disputes over meanings and tensions between control and autonomy in teaching curriculum...
Sociolinguistic reeducation as a political project: in search of a forgotten cou...
Portfolios of texts at school: the subject-writing and subject-institution relat...
This game would make a great book: an analysis of the gamer literature and the constitution...
Results: Displaying 10 of 24 on page 1 of 3