Araujo, Cristiane Soares da Silva
Results: Displaying 10 of 10 on page 1 of 1
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Protein requirements of laying hens in cage-free and conventional systems
Evaluation of high doses of phytase for broiler breeder and their effects on quality...
Energy levels for layer hens submitted to different beak trimming management
Reduction of calcium and available phosphorus for broilers fed diets containing increased...
Use of antimycotoxin additive in diets of broiler breeders challenged with zeara...
Addition of exogenous protease in mashed and pelleted diets for broiler chickens
Calcium marine algae in the diet of commercial laying hens
Updating the ideal protein for broilers
Selenium sources in diet for broiler breeders
Glycosaminoglycans and manganese influence the performance, carcass, meat, and bones...
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Results: Displaying 10 of 10 on page 1 of 1