Fernandes, Elisabete Aparecida De Nadai
Results: Displaying 10 of 21 on page 2 of 3
Quality and safety of Brazilian rice: evaluation of total and inorganic arsenic in...
Develop of a method for Radon-222 exhalation rate quantification in a dry area of...
Development and production of certified reference material of sugarcane leaves for...
Traceability of Brazilian beef evaluated by isotopic and chemometric techniques
Sustainability of shaded organic and conventional coffee systems
Characterization of full sun- and shaded- organic coffee systems in the south of...
Tail hair as a non-invasive biomonitor of beef mineral composition
Metrological reliability in determining toxic and essential elements in bovine milk...
Chemical characterization of milk powder for the production of certified reference...
Impact of rare earth elements in citrus agroecosystem
Results: Displaying 10 of 21 on page 2 of 3