Cesar, Paulo Francisco
Results: Displaying 10 of 22 on page 1 of 3
Assessment of edge chipping resistance, fracture toughness and hardness of Y-TZP/veneering...
The effect of processing methods and fibers incorporation on the optical and mechanical...
Surface roughness and wear resistance of CAD-CAM materials after chewing simulat...
The effect of the material on the mechanical behaviour of the ultrathin ceramic ...
Fatigue behavior and residual stress profiles of dental ceramics
Effect of aging by mechanical cycling on the flexural strength of dental ceramic...
Edge chipping resistance and surface residual stresses of Y-TZP/veneering ceramics...
Resistance degradation of dental ceramics after cyclic loading
Synthesis and processing of zirconia-graphene ceramic composite
Develompment of a zirconia composite/bioativo glass and study of micropatterned silica...
Results: Displaying 10 of 22 on page 1 of 3