Marcassa, Luis Gustavo
Resultados: Listando 10 de 30 en la página 3 de 3
Diatomic molecules in the vibrational ground state trapped in a dipole trap
Short-range photoassociation in rubidium atoms
Ultracold plasma in a magneto optical trap
Photoassociation and vibrational cooling of Rb2 molecules with a high-power lase...
Trap loss in a two-species Rb-Cs magneto-optical trap
Investigation of ultracold atomic collisions: trap loss mechanisms and photoassociation...
Cold inelastic collisions in two species magneto optical traps
Cooling of Rubidium molecules by optical pumping using broadband laser sources
Fluorescence image applied on citrus diseases
Use of fluorescence imaging for monitoring the evolution of citrus canker
Resultados: Listando 10 de 30 en la página 3 de 3