Lambais, Marcio Rodrigues
Resultados: Listando 10 de 37 en la página 3 de 4
Diversity and biogeography of fungi in soil under the canopy of tree species in the...
Development of arbuscular mycorrhiza in hormonal mutants of tomato (Lycopersicon...
Soil bacterial diversity under sugarcane field
Microbiomes of the Amazon forest: bacterial diversity and community structure in...
Bacterial community structure and diversity in the phyllosphere and their relation...
Diversity and community structure of Bacteria and Archaea in mangrove soil contaminated...
Bacteria community structure of the intestinal tract of chickens supplemented of...
Biogeography of bacteria from the phyllosphere of Maytenus robusta in the Atlantic...
Expression modulated putative pathogenesisrelated genes in Xylella fastidiosa at...
Characterization of culturable asymbiotic diazotrophic bacteria associated with the...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 37 en la página 3 de 4