Eduardo, Carlos de Paula
Results: Displaying 10 of 15 on page 1 of 2
Desensitizing effects of Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers on dentin hypersensitivity....
In vitro study of the effect of ER,CR:YSGG Laser irradiation on theinhibition of...
Influence of the treatment of the internal surface of the ceramic on different parameters...
Analysis of the Facial Palsy recovery through Digital Facial Analysis measurement,...
In vitro analysis of the surface morphology of a new bioglass formulation associated...
Influence of the fractioned irradiation energy in the phototherapy with low intensity...
Evaluation of different CO2 laser parameters for inhibiting enamel demineralization...
Prevention of enamel erosion through CO2 laser irradiation. An in situ study
In vitro evaluation of the morphology and the bond strength of adhesives to sound...
Tensile bond strength evaluation of er:yag laser irradiated bovine dentin associated...
Results: Displaying 10 of 15 on page 1 of 2