Ventura, Armando Morais
Results: Displaying 10 of 12 on page 1 of 2
Identifying the set of cellular proteins that interact with the protein M2-1, and...
Development and evaluation of immunization tools based on the adenovirus fiber knob...
Evaluation of the immune response against L and G proteins from human respiratory...
Characterization of the interaction between nucleophosmin and the Human Respiratory...
Actions of the Matrix Protein M of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus on the Host...
Interaction between tropomyosin and the human respiratory syncytial virus proteins...
Characterization of humam respiratory syncytial virus nucleoprotein and methylosome...
Characterization of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus nucleoprotein and phosphoprotein...
Functional and antigenic characterization of human Respiratory Syncytial Virus matrix...
Involvement of the M2-2 protein from the Respiratory Syncytial Virus with the translation...
Results: Displaying 10 of 12 on page 1 of 2