Barrera, Sylvia Domingos
Results: Displaying 10 of 11 on page 1 of 2
Comparison of the effects of brief syllabic versus phonemic awareness training on...
The contribution of emergent literacy skills to early reading and writing perfor...
Letters knowledge in preschoolers: effects of using of a mnemonic alphabet
Gatto, Regiane Kosmoski Silvestre (2019). Effects of an Emergent Literacy Intervention...
Effects of tutoring in phonics approach in elementary school students with serious...
Comparative analysis of human figure design in children diagnosed with attention...
Effects of a syllabic coloring technique for reading facilitation in children in...
Phonological processing and reading and writing skills in children into literacy...
Intervention effects in metatextual abilities on the written production of narrative...
Relations between orthographic knowledge and skills of writing textual production...
Results: Displaying 10 of 11 on page 1 of 2