Lopes, João Marcos de Almeida
Results: Displaying 10 of 24 on page 2 of 3
Housing production process: analysis of the Conjunto Habitacional Vila União da Juta...
"Taipas, building sites and "taipeiros": the diversity of workers and earthen architectures...
Earth and labor: the position of workers in the earthen Architetcture construction...
The peasant´s housing in the MCMV program
Housing, architecture and town: changes and continuities in the production of social...
Constructive techniques by Ramos de Azevedo: civil work in Campinas
Alternative technology housing and environmental agenda: the discourse and the p...
Productive chain of bamboo as constructive material and its application: Case study...
Photography in the elaboration of urban plans and designs: the experiences of the...
Sustainable architecture? When discourse no longer supports a future for architectural...
Results: Displaying 10 of 24 on page 2 of 3