Canteras, Newton Sabino
Resultados: Listando 10 de 16 en la página 1 de 2
How the dorsal PAG encodes fear responses and the anatomical-functional study of...
Hodological study of the anterior basolateral amygdaloid nucleus and its behavioural...
Role of the ventromedial hypothalamus and tuberalis part of the lateral hypothalamus...
Neurochemic study of the premammillary ventralis nucleus on submissive animals during...
Role of the lateral hypothalamus and anterior thalamus in memory in social defea...
Study of the cortical circuitry underlying contextual fear processing to predatory...
Multi-unitary electrophysiological analysis of the dorsal periaqueductal gray and...
Analyses of hypothalamic systems involved in the organization of intra-specific ...
Analisys of the participation of rostrolateral portion of the periaqueductal gray...
O papel do colículo superior no comportamento de caça predatória
Resultados: Listando 10 de 16 en la página 1 de 2