Moreira, Antonio Claudio Moreira Lima e
Results: Displaying 10 of 14 on page 1 of 2
The urban growth of Bertioga city within the discussion on environmental sustain...
The poverty on the peripherical region and the social and enviromental degradation...
Use and occupancy of urban land in hillsides in the fountainhead protection area...
The Programs of Home Improvements: Elements to be considered for a proposal of continuous...
Curing cities: a Brazilian governmental urban program in the 70s
Planning, territory and industry: the join urban operation in São Paulo
Social reflex and territorial impact: typology and spatial distribution of cultural...
The formation of villages in the region of Botucatu
The meaning of the public-private partnership in the habitacionais projects of low...
Public architecture and town planning contests 1989-2004: city design excerpts
Results: Displaying 10 of 14 on page 1 of 2