Franco, Marcia Maria de Arruda
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Ladies’ Education and the power of Classical Myths in the work of Christine...
Memory and history in the theater of D. João da Câmara "O beijo do infante" and "Triste...
The scission of the self in portuguese lyric poetry: fifteenth century and twentieth...
The presence of the Heroides of Ovid in Garcia de Resende's General Songbook
Middle Age and Modernity: the critical and creative reception of vigo sea songs
Gold tree, flesh tree: problematization of unity in the work of Herberto Helder....
From the poetic moving: a practice of the sixteenth century in dialogue with Herberto...
The good devils narratives in Portuguese folk culture from the Modern Age to the...
1500's discourses in defense and ilustration of portuguese language: filology and...
The Lusiads for lusitos: the fate of the camonian epic at the Portuguese lyceum and...
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