Pino, Claudia Consuelo Amigo
Results: Displaying 10 of 28 on page 2 of 3
The Wrong Side and The Right Side of camusian scripture: From LÉtranger to Écrits...
Violette Leduc: crossing from desert to rainbow
Without covenant in diverse Grande Sertão: veredas an poetics of the relantionsh...
Writing When not Writing: the Literature of the Meanwhile
Michel Butor and the parole in colour: from literary interviews to creation
The expansion of literature in Georges Perec: putting together radiophonic and cinematographic...
The kaleidoscopic library: a way of reading Life: a users manual and Bouvard and...
The fissure of a bliss: a reading of Hilda Hilst's The pink notebook by Lori Lamby...
On reading A la recherche du temps perdu
'Le Voyage d'hiver' de Georges Perec ou a máquina de contar histórias: leitura e...
Results: Displaying 10 of 28 on page 2 of 3