Mancuso, Wagner Pralon
Results: Displaying 10 of 16 on page 1 of 2
Streams of international norms incorporation: Analysis of the diffusion of policies...
Lobbying on the food propaganda regulation of the National Health Surveillance Agency...
The structuring of regulatory capacity in the Brazilian Petroleum Sector: the Institutional...
Interest group and Brazilian footballs modernization process: from democratization...
Influence and regulatory dispute: political action of interest groups on network...
History, political and beer: the lobby history of the brewing industry
Lobby and industry protection: an analysis of the Plano Brasil Maior
Agribusiness, international trade, and representation of interests in Brazil: the...
The national policy cycle of tax breaks concession (2003-2010)
Popular participation in federal legislative - a study of institucional mechanisms:...
Results: Displaying 10 of 16 on page 1 of 2