Gomes, Mariângela Gama de Magalhães
Results: Displaying 10 of 17 on page 1 of 2
La théorie de l'adéquation sociale en droit pénal: des aspects controversés et l'application...
Criminal justice system selectivity and counter-selective measures under the theory...
Victims right to justice before the International Criminal Court
The principle of insignificance and the minimum criminal intervention
Double criminality in Extradition
Because she was a woman: feminicide as seen through the practices of the justice...
Maria da Penha Law and Principle of Subsidiarity
Identity Movements and Criminal Law: the struggle of the black, feminist and LGBT+...
The strip-search procedure and the prison visitors: an analysis based on criminal...
Le Misure di Sicurezza e i principi costituzionale nel Diritto Penale
Results: Displaying 10 of 17 on page 1 of 2